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Nepal Charity Relief Fund Dinner

Read time: 2 Min
Taiwan, 16th June 2015

What best to express unity amongst our members, friends and colleague's then the sheer joy of being able to support members of our surrounding society in need. The recent Nepal Charity Relief Fund was held on June 12.2015 under one roof of solity, unity and believes.

Taiwan Chefs Association (TCA) member of “World Association of Chefs Society” (WACS) with its chapter “World Chefs Without Borders” (WCWB) as well as Taiwan Chinese Gourmet Association and over 40 individual Associations and Sponsors welcomed more than 280 patrons to a Chinese Banquet Dinner in Tucheng, Taipei City.

Request by Chef Willment Leong seeking Global WCWB ambassador to raise fund for Nepal and Ambassador of WCWB Taiwan, Chef Alan Ho manage to support by creating one charity gala for all chefs, he highlighted the event, its aim and objectives as to review obligations of each society member to share their duty to support and take actions in due to unforseen circumstances.

“World Chefs Without Borders” Chairman Chef Willment Leung attended the event as to highlight recent Charity Events on various relief activity categories throughout the world with contributions, results and also mention this is truly “association without borders” all Taiwan chefs in regards of association committed toward helping the lest fortunate one. In the opening speech, Chef Willment Leong challenge all Taiwan chefs to raise at least 15,000 euro to match currently WCWB had raise so far from various association world wide and after the finally counting of the amount received, Taiwan Chefs had proven again, they have make it to achieve Chef Willment Leong goal.

Renowned Singaporean Celebrity Chef and author of ” The Singaporean Heritage Cookbook” Tony Khoo attended the dinner whiles introducing his beleves in regards to charity activities. We were able to sell 20 books with income reverted back to the relief fund.

Chef Tony Chang from Taiwan also join in the charity race by selling his service of preparing 10 gourmet set meal to any kind bider, after 20 minutes of bidding, an seafood supplier manage to win the bid by paying 100,000 NT / around 3000 Euro in order to sample Chef Tony Chang gourmet skill.

Our young chefs from Jinwen and Hsing Wu University of Taipei assured our patrons life entertainment which was rewarding and delightful.

We are delighted that the recent held event has raised a total of NT 700,000 over Taiwan dollars and after all expense deducted we manage to raise NT 523,900.00 or equal of € 15,000.00 to Nepal.

Sincere thanks to all sponsors and patrons for their great effort and support towards the Nepal Charity Relief Fund.

Nepal relief


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