International Chefs Day 2021 Results Are In!
A message from Vanessa Marquis, CEC AAC, Chairman of Worldchefs International Chefs Day Committee
The new norm has brought us hesitancy to be around others. Many families in parts of the world have chosen to keep their children homeschooled. Our connection to one another seems to be through social media and technology. But I am very proud to say that many of you still made efforts to continue Chef Dr. Bill Gallagher’s vision for International Chefs Day. I want to thank everyone who took a moment in October to share his vision with your child, your students, and your community while still being unsure of our health safety.

It has been heartwarming to see your pictures and videos during the last few weeks. The smiles on your faces and the smiles on the children’s faces are priceless. Chef Emmanuel Lorieux and Nestlé Professional did a fantastic job revising the toolkit to gear this year’s campaign, Healthy Food for the Future, towards online classes, and provided great ingredients to focus on our well-needed healthy immune system. Children had a chance to cook with you and taste delicious recipes that were all plant-based and sustainable.
This International Chefs Day was another successful year. We still had many challenges, but chefs came through to make events possible if their cities allowed it. So I want to thank all the chefs who participated in events, got creative to find a way to reach children with fun videos, sent prepared samples to schools, and held live Zoom calls to reach as many children as possible! One last thank you to Worldchefs President Thomas Gugler, the International Chefs Day Committee, and the Worldchefs Office.

Words from Chefs Worldwide

Jolanta Gervienė
Lithuanian Chefs and Confectioners Association
“This project indirectly is a dream of my childhood: to become a primary school teacher. During classes with children, I have fun combining a dream with a beloved (and favorite) job. I enjoy talking about a healthy diet and cooking at the same time. I believe dreams can come true. It is very heartwarming to look at children’s sincere emotions, questions and funny answers during this project. After each lesson I receive positive feedback and feel that I’m doing something purposeful. I can see that in the eyes of every child and hear it in the honest word THANK YOU, followed by the question: When can you come again?”
Philippe Frydman
South African Chefs Association
“International Chefs Day allows us to reflect on what we have done and what still needs to be done in our industry, whatever part of it we are involved. It also gives recognition to our chosen careers.
Just to see the joy on all those young faces, and sometime we get extra lucky and manage to find a pearl amongst them that finds their true calling and realizes that this is what he or she wants to do for the rest of their life! There is nothing better and that is why we should be doing this.”

Emmanuel Lorieux
Nestlé Professional
“This project indirectly is a dream of my childhood: to become a primary school teacher. During I think that for us, Worldchefs and Nestlé Professional, International Chefs Day is very important in many ways. First, I would say that it’s our duty to educate the future generations on healthy and sustainable eating and that also we use our power of the white jacket and professionalism to bring credibility and relevancy to the content of the campaign. Also we are not only educating children, but also their parents as well through the virtual materials shared with them!”
Robin Austin
Scottish Chefs
“What can I say! What a fantastic day we had with the pupils from Castle Brae High School in Edinburgh. They made Tropical Green Smoothies and a plant-based wholemeal pasta bolognaise. The pupils had a great time and enjoyed using fresh, healthy ingredients. They invited the Head of School along to taste the food and she was delighted with the flavor, color and texture. We were privileged to be working with such a fantastic school. They have amazing pupils that cook from their heart.”

Thanks to everyone who helped in making this year another success!