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International Chefs Day 2016 in Indonesia

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Indonesia, 26th December 2016

20th October is International Chefs Day.

Being chef for a day, ACP collaborated with Nestle Healthy Kids Indonesia invited 30 students from 3 elementary schools in Jakarta (SDN Cilandak Barat 03 Pagi, SDN Ragunan 04 and SDN Ragunan 05) to be part of this annual event.

Held at Modena Experience Center in Jakarta on Tuesday 20 October 2016 we started the day by having separate session of Nutrition class for 30 elementary students and 30 adults (parents and teachers).

We invited a Nutritionist to presents an interactive class teaching about nutrient and suggested to the parents and teachers to use a fun and interactive approach for introducing a heatlhy eating habit to the children.

In the afternoon, ACP Vice President Chef Temmy share food & kitchen safety knowledge to the parents and teachers.

Through this event, ACP Indonesia and Nestle Healthy Kids Indonesia hopes to help children in Indonesia to play a role in spreading the message about the importance part of having a healthy eating habit for a healthy future.

ACP would like to thank Nestle Healthy Kids, Modena Indonesia, PT. Sukanda Djaya, PT. Artha Karya Utama, Toza Natural Fruit Juice, 25 members of YCCI Jakarta Chapter and 15 professional chefs of ACP members.



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