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International Chefs Day 2015 – Taiwan Chefs Association

Read time: 2 Min
Taiwan, 19th October 2015

The Taiwan Chefs Association (TCA) will celebrated the ingenuity of our profession, paying tribute to our chefs, their related skills and talent by the profession under Worldchefs. The main objective of establishing this day on October 20, 2004 was to create widespread awareness for the profession, and for the profession to give back to society what it could through charitable events, culinary competitions and demonstrations.

The Taiwan Chefs Association under its Presidency Chef Jerry Chen and its members are proud to introduce the 2015 International Chefs Day for the fourth time whiles highlighting our theme“Caring and Thankful with Love and Hope

With the great support of the Taichung City Government, the 2015 International Chefs Day was held in the Taichung City Government Square. The anticipated fun filled event will be supported with the presents of our Continental Director Dr. Rick Stephan’s as well as over 150 Young Chefs form 15 Colleges and Culinary Universities as to engage, support and promote “Caring and Thankful with Love and Hope” towards under-privileged and less fortunate members of our community.

This year over 1000 people attended ,Through offering direct interventions with stimulating activities, games, illustrated shows and sponsored food services in a surroundings of 50 sponsored stalls from our supporters around Taiwan; we will lead children with disabilities to outdoor activities whiles receiving community care and warmth. The importance of being able to communicate, interact and action for cause can archive a community unity in being open minded, act as mentors and lead by heart.

Promoting, supporting and actually stimulating the “Caring and Thankful with Love and Hope” effect further supports and nourish a warm parent-child interaction among disadvantaged members of our society so that our society can emerge together filled with love and hope. Prime concerns as to achieve sustainable community development in our belief goes hand in hand with our profession as to have pride and honor in what we do and what we belief.

The Chefs Association with its supporters are confident in contributing to the 2015 International Chefs Day event whiles working together with our community at large by providing our skills of care, mentor ship and pleasure towards the less fortunate and disadvantage children.


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