The Flight Kitchen team from Singapore helping the Moral Seniors Activity Centre for the World International Chefs Day.

The long awaited day to contribute, experience and communicate with those mentally challenge people has gained all of us the understanding of a society and to count our blessing how fortunate we are. In order to celebrate the 20th International Chefs Day, Members from the Hong Kong Chefs Association we did liked to celebrate this fun-filled event on October 14, 2013 with the Hong Chi Association and the Fu Hong Society. This year we hosted continues at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel .
The 20th International Chefs Day 2013 was again a huge success and again we had over 200 participant/volunteers who have given us their support and sponsored , food items, provided logistics, equipment and utensils and most of all given us their valuable time.
As in the past we cooked a buffet for over 800 people + 300 lunch Box who are mentally challenged or socially left behind in our fast growing brave new world.
We the Hong Kong Chefs Association are very humbled and happy at the overwhelming respond for our members and friend and the enthusiasm and cooperation, seeing chefs from over 20 different establishments, a variety of suppliers, friends and supporters coming together and work as a team to bring a bit of sunshine on the faces of those people.
We did made a difference in their life and even it is only for one day it makes us aware of our surroundings and we are much richer at heart.
Once again my sincere thank you to all of them, it is great to be a part of the caring Hong Kong Hospitality Industry.

The Chefs’ Association of Pakistan (CAP) is immensely delighted to extend its best wishes to all the chefs arround the globe on the occasion of International Chefs Day-2013. Celebration of ICD is a symbol of unity and brotherhood amongst all the chefs rising above all kinds of geographical and racial boundries and barriers.
On this day of chefs, CAP is proud to be a member of the World Association of Chefs Societies (WACS) and would like to express its gratitude for the management of WACS for its tremendous professional support and motivation helping CAP to organize various culinary events in Pakistan.
At the same time, we are also greatly indebted to all the associations of chefs who provided their support in one way or the other.
Enjoy the International Chefs Day-2013 and share the best wishes with the community of chefs around the globe.