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Gourmet summit with visitor records

Read time: 2 Min
Germany, 26th May 2016

Since the first event in 1900, the attraction is undiminished: More than 50 nations are expected to participate at the Culinary Olympics 2016.

The ingredients for the 24th IKA/Culinary Olympics are perfect. From 22 – 25th October 2016 the Messe Erfurt will turn into the Mecca for gourmets, gastronomes and chefs from around the world for the fifth time. In 18 glass kitchens more than 2,000 chefs from over 50 countries will prepare more than 7,000 fresh menus and turn the Erfurt exhibition halls into the largest restaurant in the world.

They will use about 9.360 pieces of cutlery, 10.000 pieces of porcelain and approximately 12.900 napkins. Around 20.000 eggs 1.000 kilograms of meat , 1.200 kilos of fish, 700 kilograms of potatoes and 4.600 kg vegetables are going to be used for the creations of the international teams from around the world. The presale of the menus is already booming and some teams were sold out right from the start. Admission to the fair and menu-tickets can be purchased under

Since its premiere in 1900 the IKA/Culinary Olympics is considered a trendsetter. Since then, every event has surpassed its predecessor in attractiveness and size. Also in 2016 the IKA/Culinary Olympics will set standards again in Erfurt. Fair CEO Wieland Kniffka sees this year as a perfect chance of increasing attendance in Erfurt even more: “At the IKA 2000 we had around 16.000 visitors, in 2004 more than 21.000, in 2008 already 23.000 visitors. In autumn 2012, we were even able to welcome more than 24.000 visitors from 36 countries”. This trend is expected to continue 2016.

Looking back at IKA / Culinary Olympics 2012:

Olympic National Champions: Sweden

Olympic champion of the Youth National Team: Sweden

Olympic champion of the Military Teams: Switzerland

Olympic champion of the Pastry Competition: Sri Lanka

Olympic champion Caterers: Team Sabi, Sweden

Olympic champion of the Regional Teams: Stockholm Culinary Team, Sweden

Olympic champion of Vegetable Carvers: Ming Tsung Ke, Taiwan

Germany titles and medals:

German National Team : Place 3

German national Youth Team : Place 9

German Military Team: Place 3

German Pastry Team : Place 2

Caterer Teams: Lowenstein Clinic: Place 3

When the entry of nations begins on October 21, the sky over Erfurt will be littered for a few days with countless culinary stars. Inspiration and creativity are the magic words for every visitor of the 24th IKA/Culinary Olympics.


Known as the IKA/Culinary Olympics the International Culinary Art Exhibition is the largest international professional competition for chefs, cooks and pastry chefs. The IKA/Culinary Olympics premiered in 1900 in Frankfurt am Main . Since then, every four years, national teams , youth national teams , regional teams and caterers compete to be Olympic champions in their discipline. Since the first event in 1900, the attraction of the event is undiminished. More than 50 nations are expected. “Cooking unlimited – come, see, wonder and taste” – this motto applies to the Culinary Olympics 2016 for the top event of the cooking elite.


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