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Gazpacho Salted Granita and Sea Asparagus Sorbet

Read time: 3 Min
04th August 2021

Gazpacho Salted Granita and Sea Asparagus Sorbet

Federazione Italiana Cuochi member Chef Maurizio Valguarnera shares a new recipe. An ice cream expert, Chef Maurizio has put together a delicious, plant-forward summer dish, complete with a savory sorbet like you’ve never had before. Buon appetito!

Sea Asparagus Sorbet

Add all the ingredients described and emulsify with an immersion blender. Heat all the ingredients except the sea asparagus, then cool the mixture to +4°C by blending the sea asparagus inside, and let it mature for at least 12 hours. Once this is done, whisk the mixture until you reach the optimal consistency of the sorbet.

Gazpacho Salted Granita

  • coppery tomato 400 g
  • trehalose 150 g
  • pepper 100 g
  • cucumber 100 g
  • water 100 g
  • red onion 60 g
  • EVO oil 40 g
  • fleur de sel from Trapani 3 g
  • neutro (caruba flour) 3 g
  • basil to taste
  • Tabasco drops to taste

Cut the tomatoes (without seeds and the white part) into pieces, add the rest of the ingredients (peppers, cucumbers, onion, and basil), add the required amount of water, EVO oil, fleur de sel from Trapani, neutro, and a few drops of Tabasco.

Put all the ingredients in a turbo mixer and blend for a few minutes to obtain a smooth and homogeneous cream. Pour the mixture obtained into the ice cream maker, stir until the consistency of traditional Sicilian granita is obtained.

Finishing and Decoration

  • pepper and cucumber cubes
  • radish buds
  • bread chip and cubes

Pour the granita into a crystal bowl until it almost reaches the edge.

Arrange pepper and cucumber cubes on the surface. Place a scoop of sea asparagus sorbet in the center and place a bread chip on top and pour a few drops of extra virgin olive oil. Complete the bowl with toasted bread cubes and radish sprouts.

About the Chef

Maurizio Valguarnera was born and lives in Palermo. He is an ice-chef member of F.I.C. (Federazione Italiana Cuochi) and collaborates with the Department of Food Science and Technology of the University of Palermo, with which he has a memorandum of understanding for research and development.

Chef Maurizio created “GELATO OFFICINALE”, a project for the production of nutraceutical, functional, vegan, and organic ice cream. Together with the University of Palermo and the working group for the promotion of the Diaita Mediterranean Diet, they promote a healthy and correct diet through conferences and seminars, with a focus on the main nutritional elements.

A chef and an educator, Valguarnera is a teacher at VEGANOK ACADEMY, Gambero Rosso Academy Teacher of Vegan Courses, and Expocook Academy Teacher.

Chef Maurizio has held masterclasses and courses on plant-based ice creams. Ambassador for Assovegan Sicila, he participated in the first Vegan Competition Seminar in the world that took place in Palermo, organized by the Worldchefs. He is also a Worldchefs Certified International Judge with a specialization in vegan and plant-based cuisine.

For more from Chef Maurizio Valguarnera, follow him on Facebook.


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