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From Young Chef Ambassador to Worldchefs reporter: Jessi talks about her travels to Fiji!

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Fiji, 16th December 2015

Jessi McEwan is a Worldchefs ambassador. She attended the Fiji HOTEC Competition held on Danarau Island on the 24-28th of November.

She was sponsored by a australian hotel in Victoria to fly over for 4 days, supported by Worldchefs and Worldchefs Without Borders, as ambassador to help kick start the beginning of the first Fiji Young Chefs Club with Sarah Kymbrekos. Also throughout the duration of the competition, WorldChefs' ambassadors and supporters conducted masterclasses and information sessions that would help encourage and support the competitors.

Over the three days she did a dessert master class, showing the competitors how to take a classic dessert and create a modern one using the same ingredients: showing them techniques, plating ideas and giving them inspiration. I also gave a talk on my role as an ambassador and how she is involved with Worldchefs. She also talked about her career and her success.

Also present were the Vanuatu Young chefs club and the potential President of the New Zealand Young Chefs club.


Once the competition had come to an end, with local and international judges judging several classes over the three days, the winner of the Fiji chef of the year, Young Fiji Chef of the year and Fiji Pastry chef of the year were announced at the gala dinner. At this time the chefs of the Sofitel resort put on a spectacular feast.

For Jessi It was an honour to be asked to participate in such a great event. Cassandra, Women in Worldchefs Ambassador, recruited great ambassadors to help with the Womens forum. And Jessi and Sarah Kinbreros signed up over 8 pages of young chefs wanting to be apart of Fiji Young Chefs Club.

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