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Chefs Opened their Hearts Again to Children Health Issues – Food Festival in Bratislava with Worldchefs WCWB Ambassador

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Slovakia, 12th June 2018

The Wold Chefs Without Borders Ambassador in Slovak
Republic presented again the mission and activities of Worldchefs – WCWB at the
charity event that took place within the Food Festival in Bratislava, the capital
of Slovak Republic, in the premises of Bratislava castle in the days 25th
to 27th May 2018. The Bratislava castle commemorated the 301st
anniversary of the coronation of Maria Therese for Hungarian and Czech Queen and
Archduchess of Austria

three days
at Bratislava castle belonged to the
chefs and gourmands again. For the eighths time, there has been a favourite
gastronomy event
„Slovak Food Festival 2018“.
The Castle became a meeting point of both gastronomists ad gourmands. However,
it was mainly a meeting point for people with good heart, willing to help
those, the destiny was less favourable to.

Vojto Artz, the WCWB Ambassador in
is already for eight years the professional guarantee.  He´s both author and organizer of the „Vojto
Artz´s COOKING SHOW“, that regularly makes part of this festival.

Within his Cooking Show he conceived
literally as a charity also this year, he welcomed on the main stage in
the festival centre several personalities not only of the world of cooking, but
also from the Slovak show-business. The meals and desserts prepared on the stage
were immediately auctioned and this way were changed to the good thing
supporting thing – 
improvement of the life conditions of the
children with health issues by means of two foundations: Foundation of Paediatric
Cardiac Centre Foundation Bratislava and Markíza Foundation.
During all three days Vojto
invited to the stage several interesting guests who presented both traditional
and untraditional chef show.
The good thing was supported
also by the members of the Slovak National Junior Team of chefs and
conditioners who are preparing for the international competition World Culinary
CUP 2018 in Luxembourg, renowned Michal
Maroš Mrenica, Daniel Hrivnák, Tomáš
Pikáli, Daniel Širota and Vlado Lokšík
. The
well known chefs from Czech Republic, Róbert
member of the Prague branch of the Association of chefs and
conditioners of Czech Republic and the chef Oskar Klanert demonstrated their
craftmanship too.

The children´s workshop „Vojto and Tinka cook with children“, was not missing
either, during which the little chefs were perfectly supported by the audience.

All these participants contributed to
the fact that a nice sum was collected
in the amount of
700,00 Eur.
Within three days, the yield will go to the accounts of
Cardiac Centre Foundation Bratislava and Markíza Foundation.
  We are happy that together we´ll succeed to make
the life easier for the children with harder destiny.



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