The International Chefs Day is already far behind, but its never too late to tell a success story that happened on this important day. Moreover, inspired by WORLDCHEFS 2013 International Chefs Day motto and encouraged to make positive changes, Indian Federation of Culinary Associations organized several presentations, demonstrations, nutritional and culinary seminars within its divisions for this occasion. More about some great ventures IFCA accomplished read in the following, official IFCA’s report.
International Chefs Day 2013 – IFCA, India report
Indian Federation of Culinary Associations
(Proud Member of World Associations of Chefs Societies)
(Registered under registration of Societies Act 1975)
Event 01:
SICA- South India Culinary Association (IFCA,Southern Region)
International Chefs Day celebration was conducted at IHM on October 28th by SICA. Many of the prominent chefs and students from various Hotel Management Institutions participated in this function. A variety of programmes inclusive of inspirational speeches, panel discussions, demonstrations of latest technology in cooking methods and Quiz for students were conducted by the prominent chefs from various hotels in the city.
The programme commenced with lighting of the kuthuvilaku followed by a prayer song. The welcome speech was given by Mr. Raj Mohan, Principal from IHM Chennai. The key-note address was given by Chef Natarajan. K, Corporate Chef from The Gateway Hotel IT Express way Chennai who explained the theme of this year’s celebration which was “SHOW YOUR CULINARY ABILITY “.
He said that it meant the role of Indian Chefs in the international scene was gaining prominence.
Next in the agenda was Chef Himanshu Shekhar Sahoo, Culinary Trainer Dr.M.G.R Educational and research Institute University,Chennai-Department of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, who spoke on the topic ‘Motivating the young Chefs’.
The salient points mentioned by him were that Hardwork, Time-Management and the Importance of staying focused were essential to achieve success in life.
This was followed by SICA and IFCA presentation by Chef Sheetharam Prasaad, General Secretary-SICA & Director – Culinary from GRT Hotels & resorts.
Next Chef Rajesh. R, Director-Food Production from Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels gave a demonstration of ‘Sous vide cuisine’.
A panel discussion on ‘Culinary Career Management’ took place. The main ideas were that a genuine commitment and efforts were required for the budding chefs. Panel discussion on Culinary Career Management by Panelist Chef Rajesh Gopalakrishan,General Manager,The Rain Tree Hotel,Chef Sheetharam Prasaad,Chef Himanchu Sahoo and Moderator Mr.Bennet.
This was followed by ‘Modern Perspective in Plate Presentation’ by Chef Gopi, Executive Sous Chef from Hyatt Regency Chennai & Chef Abhiram, Executive Sous Chef from GRT Grand Chennai.
Next, another panel Discussion on ‘Chefs’ Prominence in the next Decade’ provided valuable information and futuristic vision for the young chefs.
This was followed by the Quiz competition on Gourmet after which medals were given to winners and runners.
Vote of thanks was proposed by Chef Rajesh. R, Joint Secretary- SICA & Director-Food Production from Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels.
Certificates were distributed to all the participants.
Event 02:
IFCA Bangalore Chapter
The Bangalore chapter at The Institute of Hotel Management, SJP Campus. Culinary trip that turned cooking into a learning experience and a fun event to watch. The event had a lot of culinary delights being whipped up by prominent chefs such as Chef Rishikesh from Taj Westend and Chef Kasi Viswanathan. M from Atria Hotel.
While the first half saw two chefs roll up different dishes in different styles, the second half included a special desert session, where the intricacies and presentation style of desserts were discussed.
Chef Arvind Prasad who believes that ‘food is eaten by the eyes’ said, “The desserts that I presented had a very classical and a bit of contemporary touch and all the ingredients need to be well balanced”.
The students felt that it was a blessing to be able work with executive Chefs.This event was orgnaised by Chef Vijaya Baskaran,Vice Presdient of IFCA.
Event 03 :
Hotel Atithi, Pondicherry
International Chefs day was celebrated by the Atithi Team with pomp & vigor. It included a number of activities such as
- Cookery Demonstration
- Gourmet Quiz
- Cooking Competition
- Seminar on Food Nutrition
- Talks on “Becoming a Chef”
- Gourmet Lunch for Residents of Help Age India, Tamaraikulam
- Lunch for Children at Rainbow Foundation
Cooking demonstration was done for the members of Lady Atithi Club, an in-house club and on request two sweet dishes, as it was the festive season.
The topics in the Gourmet Quiz included Indian cuisine, International cuisine, Gourmet Glamour and Googly.
There were a total of 32 participants in the cooking competition and each one came up with unique, novel dishes and presentation.
During the closing Ceremony Sh. Amitava Roy, Head of Operations (India Sector) said he was surprised by the latent talent buried in the students and staff.
The winner of the event was the IT manager of the Hotel who made a Café Crème Caramel. This was the first time such an event was being organized in the Hotel and all felt that this should be a regular feature.
This Seminar on Food Nutrition focused on how a Balanced Diet with Nutrition can be maintained. This was conducted at Vidya Niketan Hr.Secondary School, Pondicherry, in which students of class V to XI participated.
An inspirational speech on ‘Becoming a Chef’ was given to the students of PSBB Millennium School in which students of class IV to class VI participated.
A Gourmet Lunch was provided to the residents of Help age India, Tamaraikulam. The senior citizens were greatly touched by the thoughtful gesture.
The Rainbow Foundation which houses differently abled & mentally challenged children was chosen by the Team to offer lunch for the residents. This noble gesture brought a lot of smiles in the faces of children.This event was organsied by Chef Padmanabhan,Corportate Executive Chef,Hotel Atithi,Pondicherry,India.
Event 04:
Aloft Hotel,Chennai,India
This year International Chefs Day 2013 was celebrated by Aloft hotel for five days which included cooking demonstrations, lectures, culinary trends, Quiz and culinary competitions
On the first day, a classroom session was conducted on culinary trends worldwide with the emphasis on presentation techniques and new innovative dishes.
Pastry chef was sent to IHM Chennai for a one day Bakery Demonstration regarding the Breads of the World.
On the 2nd day, a culinary Quiz contest was conducted. The topic were Indian Cusine, HACCP , Food Safety , Visual Round and a Rapid fire round.
On the 3rd day, 18 culinary talents participated in the culinary challenge which had as its them Asian Fusion with three categories such Plated Appetizer, Plated Main Course and Plated Dessert.
Mr. Milton HOD, food production from Asan Memorial College of Arts & Science who was Judge for the event. Winners and Runners were recognized for their outstanding performance.
On the 4th day, A classroom session was conducted regarding the IFCA chef’s certification programme, the eligibility, and the benefits.
On the 5 th day, a presentation on Nutrition and Healthy living was demonstrated to all the staff from different departments of the Hotel.This event was organsied by Chef A.Ashok Kumar ,Executive Chef /aloft Chennai.
Event 05:
Army Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology,Bangalore
Army Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Tehnology celebrates the International Chefs day on 17th October 2013 in association with Indian Federation of Culinary Associations.
As part of the celberation the following events where conducted.
- Culinary Seminar by Chef Bharanidharan, Corporate Chef, Griffith Laboratories.
- Carving Work Shop by Chef Karthik, Director Thai Carvings, Silver medalist in National level Competition.
- Cookery Demonstration by Chef Vignesh, CDP, Taj Vivantha MG Road, Silver medalist in Chefs competition.
- Cookery Demonstration By AIHM&CT IV year students
- Haimanshu Shekar Pandey – Sea Base fish with fennel and béarnaise sauce.
- Vivek Thapa – Pea nut & sesame Chicken.
- Sanjay Chand – Nawabi Paneer Tikka.
- Nerendra Sing Dhanu – Trio Chocolate Browine.
- Yogendra Pal – Fig Salad with balsamic Dressing.
- Surprise Basket Cookery Competition for the I year students of AIHM&CT.
Event 06:
Institute of Hotel Management-Hajipur
International Chefs Day was celebrated on October 20th – 2013.
Mr. S.N. Verna, who graced the occasion shared his view on the importance of chefs and their innovative thinking that can take the budding professionals to new heights Mr. Sitesh Srivastav, Principal, in his speech, expressed the importance of food cost, nutrition and presentation skills.
The Helping Hands the institute’s social club had organized an Intra College Chef Competition amongst the students from all the streams to celebrate the occasion.
Mr. S.N. Verna, former chef of ITDC and Hotel Maurya, Patna, Mr. Sitesh Srivastav, Principal, Mr. Sumit Chatterjee and Mr. Anish Banerjee, HOD’s of the institute, were the judges.
Prizes were distributed to the winners and runners.
Event 07:
Mary Matha College-Department of Hotel Management & Catering Technology,Periyakulam,India.
As part of the International Chefs Day Celebration, the department endeavoured to create awareness among children and in society on Healthy Eating Habits and Basic Knowledge of cooking through their culinary abilities.
Faculty members and students visited Government Middle School, Nallakaruppanpatty, Seventh Day Adventist school and orphangaes at Periyakullam in Theni District to teach the children about healthy eating.
Annai Theresa Orphanage, a trust in Periyakulam, was also visited. A demonstration on Food and Nutrition was conducted and nutritious meals was served to the inmates of the orphanage. This event was organsied by Chef.Raj Mohan M.S,Head & Culinary Educator,Hotel Management and Catering Science department, Mary Matha College, Periyakulam
Event 08:
Taj Madras Flight Kitchen,Chennai,India.
On the occasion of International Chefs Day, the Chefs at Taj Madras Flight Kitchen celebrated by creating awareness on healthy cooking, diabetes meal, innovative dishes of the Chefs and artefacts of fruits, vegetables, chocolate, bakery products which were very artistic and creative.
The event was inaugurated by Mr. P Radhakrishnan, General Manager, by lighting the lamp and a few words of encouragement to all Chefs to celebrate the profession, create awareness of the profession and to show off their skills on this special day – International Chef’s Day. General Manager along with Heads of Department tasted the innovative dishes prepared by Chef Balaji, Chef Amarnath, Chef Andiappan, Chef Ramakrishnan, Chef Tamil, Chef Palani, Chef Surya, Chef Senthil in order to judge the Best Gastronomic Chef to be awarded in the next Town Hall meeting.
A team of Chefs put up posters to educate the Associates by displaying valuable information on nutritional value and some healthy eating
– The difference between a Chef & Cook
– Tweak your diet
– Yoga to prevent/control of Diabetes
– A typical meal for a person with diabetes
– Balanced diet
– How do we get sugar
– The green way to go
– Don’t miss the beet
– Benefits of shallots
– To avoid unhealthy food
Chef Dinesh, Chef Balaji, Chef Ayyanar, Chef Karthik and Chef Amarnath showcased their creativity by the display of carvings and a team of Chefs prepared a health menu which was liked by all the Associates.
Executive Chef Kannan Natesan and his band of Chefs at TMFK for made this day memorable for them and educating involving all the Associates.
Event 09:
Asian Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology,Trichy,India.
A Revival of traditional and South Indian dishes was the theme for this year’s international chefs day celebration on 19th October. Chef Mohan Kumar. G, Senior Lecturer, SIHMCT, Thuvakudi gave a demonstration on various forgotten dishes of South India.
On 21st October, the staff and students of the institute shared lunch with the children of spastic society, Musiri which gave the students an insight into differently able children and made them aware of their commitment to society.
On 21st October, Chef V. Saravanan, Exec. Chef SRM Hotel, Trichy gave a demonstration on Chinese cuisine. On the same day a seminar on Traditional Foods was conducted by Mr. M. Ponnilango, Technical Director, Jenneys Academy, Trichy. He emphasized on the importance of documenting the histories and recopies of culture and cuisine of Tamilnadu. He guided the students regarding the expectation of the hoteliers from the students and how to prepare for such a situation in the industry.
Event 10:
Global Institute of Hotel Management,Hyderabad.
International chef’s day was celebrated from 19.10.2013 to 22.10.2013.
The celebration kick started with a cycle rally by chefs and students on the 19th to create awareness of chefs in society. The rally was flagged of by Mr. M.S. Nagarajee M.D Epicurur Hospitality.
A two day, workshop on ‘Show your Culinary Ability’ was organized in the college premises on 21st and 22nd. Chefs who are faculties at the Institute, demonstrated their culinary skills during this event.
Vegetable and Fruit carving competitions were conducted for the students. Essay writing – competition on ‘Junk –Food Good or Bad’, was also held. Preparation of some exotic dishes by chef Nikhil and Fruit and Vegetable Carving demonstration by chef Goverdhan were the highlights of the celebration.
Prominent chefs from various hotels enlightened the students with their experiences as a chef and shared informative messages for the budding chefs.
As part of the Closing Ceremony 2 seminars where conducted The first me was on “Becoming a chefs” by Chef Swamindahan, Exe – Chef Hotel Radisson Blu, which greatly inspired the students.
Another seminar on “Importance of Hygiene in Hotel Industry”, by chef Sajesh Nari, Exe – Chef, Hotel Taj Deccan highlighted the steps to be followed to maintain hygiene in Hotel Industry.This event was coordinated and organsied by CP Reddy,Principal,Global Institute of Hotel Management,Hyderabad.
Event 11:
AJK College of Arts and Science,Coimbatore,India.
School of Hotel Management and Catering Science, AJK college arts and science, Coimbatore, celebrated International Chefs Day by conducting various events.
The celebration started with a rally in Coimbatore city by the students of HM & CS to create awareness among public about the theme of International Chefs day, 2013. The rally was flagged off by chef H.N. Vijayan, Exec. Chef Vivanta By Taj Surya, Coimbatore.
A seminar on ‘Show Your Culinary Ability’ was conducted in the college.The students were exposed to various topics in culinary skills and the latest trends and advancements in culinary standard.
A cookery competition was held as part of the celebration where students displayed the culinary skills