Electrolux Professional and Worldchefs are pleased to invite you to the second Chef2Chef training seminar as a part of their “Art & Science Come Together” alliance.
Hosted by the Electrolux Chef Academy, and introduced by Charles Carroll, Worldchefs’ Chef2Chef USA Ambassador, the second seminar will take place on:
Monday September 22 or Tuesday September 23, 2014 (choose either day)
Jones Wood Foundry
Chef/Owner host Jason Hicks
401 E 76th Street
New York, NY 10021
Dress code: Chef Whites
RSVP by 1st September to Charles Carroll (charles.carroll@riveroakscc.net)
Using Cook~Chill technology for leavening and retarding and Sous Vide Techniques and Experimentation fruits/creams and egg based dessert products in modern day cuisine and culinary arts. These workshops will educate chefs on implementing sustainable practices in the kitchen while maintaining high standards. The chefs will serve quality food, balancing a mix of Electrolux innovative solutions and the chefs’ creativity.
The Aim of the Workshop:
The workshop will focus on the Cook & Chill system, new technology that incorporates an oven and blast chiller in a single solution. This innovative approach to sustainable cooking also improves chefs’ daily activities. The aim of the workshop is to build on, and extend the range of skills, techniques and knowledge previously acquired. This session aims to build on current technical practices and create new culinary knowledge, skills, and techniques in the art of Sous Vide techniques, bakery and dessert products and experimentation-fruits/creams and egg based dessert products in modern day cuisine and culinary arts.
The key features and benefits of the Cook & Chill system include:
• An optimized work process incorporating the latest technology
• Higher levels of food safety
• Reduction in food loss and, ultimately, food waste
• Higher profitability for the food service operation
Learning outcomes:
On completion of this practical session participants will have acquired the ability to:
• Food quality and safety – reducing food waste – kitchen workflow efficiency
• Basic principles of blast chilling, Soft Chilling, Hard Chilling, Blast Freezing and regeneration
• Utilising the blast chiller for different food types
• Extend their range of technical and manipulation skills.
• Utilisation of blast chiller to speed up production of puff pastry/danish pastry dough
• Using cook chill technology for leavening and retarding
• Sous vide techniques and experimentation-fruits/creams and egg based dessert products
• Effects of humidity, ventilation and fan speeds on bakery processes
For more information and participation please contact Charles Carroll <charles.carroll@riveroakscc.net>