Enhance your Culinary Skills: Boeuf Bourguignon vs Beef Rendang

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Explore the various spices and herbs used in cooking Asian and Western cuisine dishes – Beef Bourguignonne and the Beef Rendang (East & West Recipes). Learn the step-by-step preparation of exotic Asian spice paste for all-time favourite Singapore dish – “Beef Rendang”.

Join the interesting culinary session with Chef John and Chef Dylan on “Beef Bourguignonne vs the Beef Rendang”. Benefit from cuisine experts’ secret tips on cooking these delicious dishes.

Also join Chef Satish who will introduce the DigiChef, a 100% experiential online learning platform that will provide learners with the skills and knowledge from the East to the West, in addition to Old World and New World cuisines. In just 6-months, learners can earn a globally recognized “Online Culinary Diploma”!

This webinar is brought to you by Worldchefs and At-Sunrice GlobalChef Academy.

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For more information about DigiChef Academy, please visit https://www.digichef.org/

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