Worldchefs Recognized School: HORECA Culinary School



Become a Worldchefs Recognized School and gain international market recognition as an institution of excellence, committed to the highest standards of culinary education.


A branded label, the Worldchefs Recognition of Quality Culinary Education seal offers you a significant point of distinction in the increasingly competitive education landscape.


Become part of the largest network of industry professionals, from both academic and corporate worlds. With a custom profile on Worldchefs’ leading social network for the industry professionals, you can facilitate student-to-employer communication with access to over 30,000 job offers.


Being a Worldchefs Recognized School joins you to a vibrant global community of top-tier educators. Gain access to training seminars, specialized curriculums, events, and more opportunities to stay at the cutting edge of industry education.


Unlock a powerful tool with pre-mapping to Worldchefs Global Culinary Certification. Co-created with leading employers, the global benchmark helps students define a career pathway within the experience economy and shows that your graduates are ready for the workplace by demonstrating that your program meets standards set by the industry.

Worldchefs Recognized School: HORECA Culinary School


Worldchefs Recognized School: Technological University Dublin, Ireland


Worldchefs Recognized School: Technological University Dublin, Ireland



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Howard Hisa, Superintendent, Kai Ping
Culinary School, Taiwan

Founded in 1953, Kai Ping Culinary School is one of the leading culinary schools in Taiwan offering world-class education to aspiring chefs and hospitality professionals.

Hear from Howard Hisa from Kai Ping Culinary School on how they have benefited by becoming a Worldchefs recognized school and also mapping up with Worldchefs Global Hospitality Certification program.

How to apply


Annual Recognized Schools fee: €1.200


To be eligible as a Worldchefs Recognized School, the training institution must:

  • Offer one or more programs in culinary or pastry arts.
  • Be an official business as defined by its local government or professional society.
  • Have a track record of progress and success in developing and delivering quality education.
  • Can document learning, training models and facilities, and have been in business for a minimum of two (2) years.
  • Comply with the Twelve Standards of Quality Culinary Education as outlined in the application form.

Advanced standing can be applied to educational companies, associations or institutions which have already earned world class certification, such as programs recognized by City & Guilds of London Institute.


Step 1: Interested parties must register online, complete the application form, and submit all supporting evidence.

Step 2: Once the application is received, all documents are forwarded to our review panel for evaluation. This process shall take no longer than 30 working days after receiving the initial application and payment unless additional information is requested.

Step 3: Once the application has been evaluated, the reviewer may accept the application, seek additional information, or deny the application based on the inadequacy of the applicant’s ability to provide evidence in support of the Twelve Standards of Quality Culinary Education. In the case of denial, applicants may appeal the decision. See our Appeal Procedure.

Step 4: If and when the Worldchefs reviewer is prepared to accept the applicant, an annual fee will be due. The applicant may pay the annual fee once a year or all at once for the full term of the recognition.

Questions on becoming a Worldchefs Recognized School? Contact us!


1. Qualified culinary director- At least one person must be assigned to be directly involved in the culinary program's development and administration, and must be qualified to do so based on a professional background and educational experience. That person may also have teaching roles, operational and administrative responsibilities. The culinary director must be able to show evidence of culinary education, training and experience which may include a professional certification from a local chefs association or Worldchefs. A formal Culinary Director Profile Sheet must be completed and sent in along with appropriate curriculum vitae and other evidence of professional accomplishments.

2. Qualified faculty and instructors- All faculty, instructors and trainers must possess adequate skills, knowledge and background to allow them to adequately teach students, as determined by the country's department of education, training institutes, chefs association or Worldchefs standards. A combination of professional training, apprenticeship and scholastic learning (earned degrees and diplomas) is preferred. Evidence must be presented to showcase each teacher's credentials as well as any plans for continuing education and professional development. Evidence may be presented in a single form by listing the names of each lead faculty member, their education and experience.

3. The applicant has a record of offering continuous classes or programs throughout its history and has an adequate student population to support continued growth. Evidence of this can come in the form of a chart or graph detailing the number of courses offered, the length of the courses and the enrollments for each.

4. Formal lesson delivery models. The company, association or institution's learning styles and practices may vary from demonstrations and lectures to hands-on practice and live-work experiences (either simulated or in public restaurants), but all must have formal, organized plans of execution and follow-up. Evidence of lesson plans which include detailed and specific learning outcomes and assessments (where appropriate) must be submitted for review.

5. Adequate facilities- Evidence must be presented that showcase the training and learning facilities and environment which should include practical training kitchens, lecture and demonstration classrooms where appropriate. All facilities must be adequately equipped and maintained for the administration of teaching and learning, and must be in proper proportion to the total number of students enrolled. A sample collection of digital photographs are sufficient to prove the adequacy of the facilities and equipment.

6. Commitment and support- The parent company, association, school, college or institution that offers the culinary program must show evidence of their support for the continuous physical and financial support for the culinary program. Evidence may come in the form of printed documents where commitments are publicly marketed or in letters of endorsement from company officers or administrators.

7. Mission statement: goals and objectives- A clear and well defined program mission statement must be publicly marketed to all potential students and sponsors. The mission statement must be supported by programmatic goals and objectives that are also well developed and available to all interested parties. Evidence must come in the form of printed brochures, catalogs or web pages which deliver promotional materials to the public and may be supplemented with other pieces of evidence.

8. Sanitation, food safety and hygiene. There must be evidence to support the applicants overall commitment to healthy eating including sanitation, food safety, personal hygiene and nutrition (where appropriate). Evidence can come in the form of statements in catalogs, brochures or lessons that address the teaching of and compliance with sanitation guidelines.

9. Learning centers, libraries or other education support centers: Learning centers, libraries and other educational support areas must adequately support learning and should include a variety of the following resources: published books, theses, pamphlets, booklets, manuals, internet websites, and other relevant academic research papers, magazines and or videos (DVDs).

10. Industry support: Must meet or exceed local standards for quality food production and service and have support from the local professional community or governmental agency charged with granting educational license. Evidence may come in the form of letters of support from the local chefs association, other local professional chefs, recent attendees (graduates), or copies of current operating certificates (governmental).

11. The institution must have a well defined and publicized set of policies and procedures in relation to complaints and grievances which may be raised by students or stakeholders. Evidence can come in the form of printed materials.

12. The company, association or institution (the applicant) offering culinary and pastry art programs are legal operating businesses as defined by the laws of the state or country in which it operates. Evidence to support this claim can be in the form of a business license, certificate of operation or any official government notice.

APPEAL PROCEDURE (Schools & Program Mapping)

Worldchefs Recognised Schools and Fast track certification mapping Appeals/Complaint Policy

The Recognised Schools and Fast track certification mapping is administered and managed by Worldchefs Education Director. All challenges regarding actions by the Education Director are governed by the comprehensive and exclusive regulations contained in this policy.

This appeal process is the only way to resolve all Recognised School applications, eligibility, assessment, non-approvals or re-approval challenges, complaints, and/or claims of irregularities.


The Worldchefs Education Director, and any other authorized representative of the Worldchefs Office and Managing Director, may be involved in deciding matters to be resolved or arising under these procedures.

Time Period for Submitting Request for Review

In order for a request for review to be considered by Worldchefs, the written request must be received within thirty (30) days of the date of the adverse action.

Time Requirements :

The Worldchefs Education Director will make every effort to follow the time requirements noted in these appeal procedures. However, failure to meet a time requirement will not prohibit the consideration or final resolution of any matter arising under these procedures. School applicants or their representatives are required to comply with all time requirements specified in this document. Unless provided otherwise, time extensions or postponements may be granted by Worldchefs if a timely, written request explaining a reasonable cause is submitted, consistent with these procedures.

Confidentiality :

In order to protect the privacy of all parties involved in matters arising under these procedures, all material prepared by, or submitted to, The Worldchefs office will be confidential. Disclosure of material prepared by, or submitted to Worldchefs is permitted only when specifically authorized by the Worldchefs policy, the Education Director, or the Worldchefs Manging Director.

Failure to Disclose/Improper, False, or Misleading Representations

Where an applicant (school) fails to disclose information related to their application which has been requested by the Worldchefs Office, or where they make an improper, false, or misleading representation to Worldchefs or other authorized representative. Worldchefs may temporarily or permanently prevent and deny an application from being approved and may issue any other appropriate directive(s).

Party Conduct/Failure to Cooperate

All parties must behave in a courteous and professional manner when communicating with Worldchefs representatives. Where an applicant (school) fails or refuses to cooperate fully with Worldchefs concerning matters arising under, or related to, these procedures, and it is determined that the lack of cooperation is without good cause. Worldchefs may temporarily or permanently prevent and deny an application from being approved, and may issue any other appropriate directive(s).

Application Actions

Worldchefs will make one of the following determinations and decisions with regard to an application for Worldchefs recognition eligibility:

(a) Accept the application;
(b) Request additional or supplemental information; or,
(c) Reject the application on the ground(s) that the school does not meet the relevant eligibility requirements, or the school has violated, or acted contrary to a Worldchefs policy or rule.

Content of a Request for Review

A School may submit a written request for review of an adverse application-related action or decision by notifying Worldchefs in writing. The school must state and explain in detail the nature of the request and the specific facts and circumstances supporting the request, including all reasons why the action or decision should be changed or modified. The school must also provide accurate copies of all supporting documents.

Appeals Process

Worldchefs Education Director, Managing Director or other such representative appointed will serve to resolve appeals or referred matters. Subject to the limitations set forth in these procedures, the representatives will hear and resolve a first appeal. Where the issue that has been referred by a school is dissatisfied with the final informal review and action of Worldchefs, and requests an appeal consistent with these procedures.

Grounds for Appeal / Complaint

In order for an appeal to be considered by Worldchefs, the appeal submission must contain substantial information supporting at least one of the following grounds:

a. The schools eligibility to apply for recognition was denied incorrectly;

b. The schools application was reviewed incorrectly, or was not credited with an appropriate response to particular information provided, and as a direct result of the incorrect review the school is entitled to receive a favourable approval.

c. The school application was denied as a result of not meeting the eligibility requirements and providing the relevant information which results in non-approval.

Content of Appeal / Complaint

In order for an appeal or complaint to be considered by Worldchefs, the submission must contain the following information:

a. The identity and signature of the school representative submitting the appeal

b. A detailed explanation of the reasons and basis for the appeal, as defined and limited by Section above

c. All objections, corrections, and factual information the school believes to be relevant to the appeal

d. The names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses, if available, of any persons with factual information relevant to the appeal, and a clear description of the factual information available from these persons; and,

e. Copies of any and all relevant documents, exhibits, or other information the school wants to submit in support of the appeal.

Time Period for Submitting Appeal / Complaint

A school seeking to present an appeal must submit a written, signed appeal, consistent with the requirements of these procedures, to the Appeals Committee within thirty (30) days of the date of the final action and decision of Worldchefs.

Appeal / Complaint Deficiencies

Worldchefs may require the school to clarify, supplement, or amend an Appeal/ Complaint submission.

Appeal / Complaint Rejection

If Worldchefs determines that an appeal does not meet the requirements or otherwise warrant further formal review, consistent with the requirements set forth in these procedures, the appeal will be rejected.

Worldchefs will notify the school of the decision , and the reason(s) for the rejection, by letter within thirty (30) days of the determination.

Appeal rejection decisions are not subject to appeal.

Conditions for Closing the Appeal/ Complaint

An appeal will be closed, and all proceedings ended, when any of the following occurs:

a. An appeal has been resolved and decided by Worldchefs.

b. The allowable time period for the filing of an appeal under these procedures and rules has passed or lapsed

b. The appeal has been withdrawn or terminated by the School.

To contact Worldchefs regarding an appeal and complaint, Click here

PROCEDURE (Global Culinary Certification)

Worldchefs Global Culinary Certification Appeals Procedures

Nature of the Process
The World Association of Chefs Societies Global Culinary Certification scheme is directed, administered, and managed by the Worldchefs Education Committee. All challenges regarding actions of and by the Worldchefs Education committee are governed by the comprehensive and exclusive regulations contained in these procedures.

This appeal process is the only way to resolve all Worldchefs Certification application, eligibility, assessment, and other certification or recertification challenges, complaints, and/or claims of irregularities.

The Worldchefs Education Committee, the Certification Appeals Committee and any other authorized representative of the Worldchefs Board, may be involved in deciding matters to be resolved or arising under these procedures.

Time Requirements
The Worldchefs Education Committee will make every effort to follow the time requirements noted in these appeal procedures. However, the Worldchefs Education Committee failure to meet a time requirement will not prohibit the consideration or final resolution of any matter arising under these procedures. Worldchefs Certification candidates or certificants are required to comply with all time requirements specified in this document. Unless provided otherwise, time extensions or postponements may be granted by the Worldchefs Education Committee if a timely, written request explaining a reasonable cause is submitted, consistent with these procedures.

In order to protect the privacy of all parties involved in matters arising under these procedures, all material prepared by, or submitted to, The Worldchefs Education Committee will be confidential. Disclosure of material prepared by, or submitted to, the Worldchefs Education Committee is permitted only when specifically authorized by the Worldchefs Education Committee policy, the Board of Directors, the Certification Appeals Committee, or the Worldchefs President.

Failure to Disclose/Improper, False, or Misleading Representations
Where a candidate or certificant fails to disclose information related to certification or recertification requested by the Worldchefs Education Committee, or where a candidate or certificant makes an improper, false, or misleading representation to the Worldchefs Education Committee, the Worldchefs President, Certification Appeals Committee, the Board of Directors, or other authorized representative may penalize or discipline the individual, and/or issue corrective action related to such failure or improper representation. The Worldchefs Education Committee may temporarily or permanently prevent and bar an individual from being certified or recertified, or may issue any other appropriate directive(s).

Party Conduct/Failure to Cooperate
All parties must behave in a courteous and professional manner when communicating with Worldchefs Education Committee representatives. Where a candidate or certificant fails or refuses to cooperate fully with the Worldchefs Education Committee concerning matters arising under, or related to, these procedures, and it is determined that the lack of cooperation is without good cause, the Certification Appeals Committee, the Board of Directors, or other authorized representative may penalize or discipline the individual, and/or issue corrective action related to such failure to cooperate. The Worldchefs Education Committee may temporarily or permanently prevent and bar an individual from being certified or recertified, or may issue any other appropriate directive(s).

Certification Application Actions
Under the supervision of the Application Review Committee, the Worldchefs Education Committee will make one of the following determinations and decisions with regard to a candidate’s application for Worldchefs certification eligibility:

(a) Accept the application;
(b) Request additional or supplemental information; or, (c) Reject the application on the ground(s) that the candidate does not meet the relevant certification eligibility requirements, or the candidate has violated, or acted contrary to, a Worldchefs Certification policy or rule.

Content of a Request for Review
A candidate or certificant may submit a written request for review of an adverse certification-related action or decision by notifying the Worldchefs Education Committee in writing. The candidate or certificant must state and explain in detail the nature of the request and the specific facts and circumstances supporting the request, including all reasons why the action or decision should be changed or modified. The candidate or certificant must also provide accurate copies of all supporting documents.

Time Period for Submitting Request for Review
In order for a request for review to be considered by the Worldchefs Education Committee, the written request must be received by Committee within thirty (30) days of the date of the adverse action.

Certification Appeals Committee
At least three (3) members of the Worldchefs Education Committee will be appointed to serve as the Certification Appeals Committee to resolve appeals or referred matters. Subject to the limitations set forth in these procedures, the Certification Appeals Committee will hear and resolve a first appeal where the matter has been referred by a candidate or certificant is dissatisfied with the final informal review and action of Worldchefs Education Committee, and requests an appeal consistent with these procedures.

Grounds for Appeal
In order for an appeal to be considered by the Certification Appeals Committee, the appeal submission must contain substantial information supporting at least one of the following grounds:

a. The candidate’s eligibility to sit for the Certification Examination(s), or other eligibility for certification, was denied incorrectly;
b. The candidate’s Certification Documentation was assessed incorrectly, or was not credited with an appropriate feedback, and as a direct result of the incorrect assessment the candidate did not receive their certification.

Content of Appeal
In order for an appeal to be considered by the Certification Appeals Committee, the appeal submission must contain the following information:

a. The identity and signature of the candidate or certificant submitting the appeal
b. A detailed explanation of the reasons and basis for the appeal, as defined and limited by Section above
c. All objections, corrections, and factual information the candidate or certificant believes to be relevant to the appeal
d. The names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses, if available, of any persons with factual information relevant to the appeal, and a clear description of the factual information available from these persons; and,
e. Copies of any and all relevant documents, exhibits, or other information the candidate or certificant wants to submit in support of the appeal.

Time Period for Submitting Appeal
A candidate or certificant seeking to present an appeal must submit a written, signed appeal, consistent with the requirements of these procedures, to the Certification Appeals Committee within thirty (30) days of the date of the final action and decision of the Worldchefs Education Committee.

Appeal Deficiencies
The Certification Appeals Committee Chair may require the candidate or certificant to clarify, supplement, or amend an appeal submission.

Appeal Rejection
If the Certification Appeals Committee Chair determines that an appeal does not meet the appeal requirements or otherwise warrant further formal review, consistent with the requirements set forth in these procedures, the appeal will be rejected. The Certification Appeals Committee Chair will notify the candidate or certificant of the rejection, as well as the reason(s) for the rejection, by letter within thirty (30) days of the determination. Appeal rejection determinations are not subject to appeal.
Conditions for Closing the Appeal
An appeal will be closed, and all proceedings ended, when any of the following occurs:

a. An appeal has been resolved and decided by the Certification Appeals Committee, or the Board of Directors, and the allowable time period for the filing of an appeal under these procedures and rules has passed or lapsed; or,
b. The appeal has been withdrawn or terminated by the candidate or certificant.

To contact Worldchefs regarding an appeal, please click here

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