Feed The Planet

Help shape a more equitable, sustainable future. Feed the Planet projects inspire sustainable food consumption among communities and culinary professionals through education, professional development, and awareness. Founded by Worldchefs, Feed the Planet is run in partnership with Electrolux Food Foundation and AIESEC.

1,3 billion tonnes of food are wasted each year. Yet there are 800 million undernourished people in the world. Feed the Planet projects create empowerment and positive sustainable change across the globe, thanks to the dynamic and ongoing collaboration between Worldchefs, Electrolux Food Foundation and AIESEC.

Help us advocate for a more equitable and sustainable food system. Your contribution will help:

  • Provide culinary training to underprivileged people around the globe:
    Feed the Planet’s Like A Chef: Culinary Employment equips unemployed people with culinary workplace skills with a focus on sustainable cooking. The eight-week course developed by Worldchefs is taught by volunteer professional chefs and incorporates a zero-waste approach to promote sustainable cooking and eating.
    • 8 Active Training Centers
    • 235 People Trained since 2017
    • 60.5% Graduates in Brazil are Employed
    Want to sponsor a student?
    • $200 – Sponsor a student and give them a better future.
    • $150 – Provide the training and educational support for a Like a Chef participant.
    • $50 – Provide educational materials required to a student.
    • $20 – Help cover accommodation costs for during a student’s 4 weeks of practical training.
    • $10 – Pay for a student’s travel costs during the program.
  • Teach chefs how to think and act sustainably:
    Sustainability Education for Culinary is a free curriculum designed for culinary educators across the globe to help prepare chefs for a changing future. This free curriculum teaches chefs how to act sustainably and improve profitably in the kitchen.
    • +1500 Graduates
    • Now available online
  • Help inspire the next generation to eat sustainably:
    The Food Heroes Challenge is a chef-driven education project for kids. Using a toolkit developed through the UNICEF sustainability initiative World’s Largest Lesson and our friends at Electrolux Food Foundation and AIESEC, chefs teach a kids in their local community about sustainable eating habits.
    • +30,000 Food Heroes in 2019
    • Part of UNICEF’s World’s Largest Lesson
    • Toolkit translated to English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian, and Welsh

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